Deployment – DVC RECOVERY Sept 2024


DEPLOYMENT DATE: 10th to 13th September, 2024

LOCATION: Glenora; Maydena; Ouse; Westerway

Location Venue Date Time Volunteers Phone Email DVC Staff Phone Email
Glenora /

Bushy Park

Glenora District School Tuesday 10 September 3pm-6pm Carmel Fader 0439 931 166 BecTudor 0408 260 344
Gillian Parton (3pm to 5pm) 0429 611 528 Emily Nichols
Maydena RSL Wednesday 11 September 3pm-7pm Stephen Savage 0439 866 000 Bec Tudor 0408 260 344
Ellen Clark 0408 861 185 Rebecca Kirk
Carl Gallagher / 408078582
Mandy Bathgate tbc  
Ouse Ouse Hall Thursday 12 September 2pm-6pm David Skeat 414702068 Danielle Walker 0400 087 670
Jane Maarseveen 0498 367 536 Emily Nichols
Central Highlands tbc
Westerway Community Hall Friday 13 September 2pm-6pm Ann Whittle 0409 954 052 Danielle Walker 0400 087 670
Ellen Clark (3:30pm-6pm) 0408 861 185 Kia Chalker
Gillian Parton 0429 611 528

Recovery Centre Information

Set up and coordination:

We will set up one hour prior  – tables/chairs provided.  Light refreshments will be available.

We will have a briefing prior to check in and coordinate so you have what you need and we are clear around any processes from your end.

Council will have at least two staff on for each occasion helping meet and greet/triage and engage with community members around needs.  This will be captured as referral information.


The DVC onsite contact for Tues and Wed is Bec Tudor 0408 260 344.

The Thursday and Friday onsite contact is Danielle Walker 0400 087 670.

I will be offsite but contactable at any time.

I’ve listed participating agencies below so you are aware. Please let me know if any changes/corrections.

Derwent Valley Community Recovery Information Sessions – Attending Recovery Partners as at 10/9/2024


Tasmanian Council of Churches Emergency Ministry – Pastoral Care/emotional wellbeing and PSS Counselling

Description: Personal support and care

Attending: Varied volunteers – names and contacts provided

Coordination:   Paul Hueston Acting Executive Officer – Anglican Health & Welfare

Coordinator – RHH Chaplaincy Services 0400 422 009

Availability – All sessions

Resources: DVC signage

Department of Premier and Cabinet – Assistance with Grant Applications

 Description: Assistance with Grants

Attending officer:  Marc Nevah | Coordinator Inter-Agency Capability, Office of Security & Emergency Management | Policy & Delivery, Department of Premier and Cabinet

Contact:  6270 5520z(phone diverts to mobile)

Availability – All 4 sessions until 5.00pm

Resources: Will bring copies of forms/will brief prior

Rural Business Tasmania

Description: Funding and Financial Counselling

Attending officer: Nik Preece and Peter Atkinson

Contact: 0456 007 312.

Availability :  Onsite Glenora Tuesday 10th  – digital pack for the other sessions.

Resources: Will bring Banner

Rural Alive and Well Tasmania

Description: Mental health support for rural and remote communities.

Attending officer: Julia Batchellor, Outreach support worker

Contact: 0427370726

Availability :

Maydena Wednesday 3 – 5pm (Approximately, could possibly be little later)

Ouse Thursday 2pm- 4.30pm

Resources: will bring banner

DPAC – Referral Sheet for DRA/BlazeAid – online form – DVC to manage

Please let me know if there is anything else you require.

Current Update:

Derwent Valley Council recovery officer has requested PFA and Personal Support be available at their community information sessions regarding flooding and power outages.

Updated Questions:

Questions you could ask people :

  • Where are things up to for you? (Could have an emotional or situational response)
  • How are you sitting with the latest updates?
  • Do you have family / friends? Are they going ok?
  • Do you have a plan? OR what are your plans from here?
  • What do you need right now?

MISSION – Purpose / Goal of this deployment.

Provide PFA and Personal Support for affected people alongside other Government Agencies / Recovery Partner Network members or NGO’s and other personal support agency personnel such as Red Cross etc.

EXECUTION – Arrangements for the deployment

Lead agency: DVC – supported by other agencies

Shift Times:

As noted in the table above

Travel arrangements – By own vehicle


  • Check with your Team Leader for any specific details / engagements
  • Check the Go-Kit for resources
  • Check Council Sign-in requirements for volunteers at the Evacuation Centre

Team tasks/ roles

  • Sign in on ‘sign-in’ sheet as per GO-Kit
  • Provide PFA as required
  • Assist with support activities
  • Fill in shift information sheets and forward by email or phone to regional coordinator or deputy.

Other agencies involved / present:

  • See Above

End Shift:

  • Debrief with your Team Leader
  • Advise your team leader of your ETA at your next destination
  • Complete the Online END SHIFT Form
  • Seek Support and Engage in Self Care


(Vests / ID / TCC EM clothing / reporting forms / maps / radios / pens etc / accommodation)

  • ID Cards must be worn
  • Tabards are available in the Go-Kit
  • Spare paper TCCEM forms are in the Go-Kit


Privacy / confidentiality / safety / self-care / reporting process / information flow

  • Please be aware of confidentiality issues in a public space
  • Please ensure you take protective clothing (e.g. closed shoes etc.)
  • Please look after yourself and take appropriate breaks and drinks etc.
  • Please call your Regional Coordinator or deputy if you have any concerns or issues


Driving – Please drive safely and be aware of flood damage etc.

General Safety

  • Please look after yourself and take appropriate breaks and drinks etc.
  • Off-site Personnel movements – report / permission / safety considerations

Situational Awareness

Injuries, WH&S incidents, hazards and near misses to be reported

Medical Plan – Call 000 in an emergency

Deployment Map:
